Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Less Trodden Path

‘I am resigning from the job.’ He said to his mother.
‘What will you do?’
 ‘I will do something of my own.’
‘What will you do? People do jobs whole life and you are leaving it.’ His father said with a disagreement. ‘ What will you do? Open a shop? After so much education!’ his mother had an opinion that business is nothing more than a grocery shop…

It was tough for him to go against the will of his family but his own will was strong than theirs.  During this crucial phase, she came to his life with the support and strength he needed most. She loved him for all his eccentricities. She loved to see him happy and relaxed. It was often a sullen environment at home. Meanwhile he resigned his job. The resentment in his parents had become his frustration. He sought a cordial and understanding environment, which was missing at home. Finally, he moved out of his family to stay with her. Soon they started a small business in the field of retail.

Time flew with its swift wings. Five years had been passed since they started their enterprise. ‘What are you thinking?’   ‘The journey we started, the road we had trodden was not smooth but we reached our destination. Life is great here where we are standing together… ’ They smiled at each other.

© By Pranati Saikia

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Falling in the Abyss...

It was always the ideals that she valued most. What if he is not of her own people...he was the person whom she had loved the most after her mother. 'He is different from us…will he marry you or he’s just fooling you!' These reactions had never been an issue for her. Her world has always revolved around what is appropriate, what is right and wrong...what she felt for him was an ethic itself. 'He feels the same for me Maa... Love is beyond caste or creed..' And that was her belief, her trust in the humanistic world she had always perceived when knowledge bestowed wisdom upon her. It was the time when things were beautiful as her own mind and her emotions. But soon things seemed to be bitter suddenly. 'What's the matter? Why are you so gloomy?...' Many times, she saw him lost or engrossed in his thoughts. And it was a shock for her. 'Why did you do this? Why to me? Okk, she was of your community! You are biased…vulnerable! ' She shouted at him. His indulgence with the other woman was heartbroken for her. 'It's nothing…it’s just online.’ He said slyly hard to believe him. She was shaken inside. How could he done that? Is his love so fragile? How could it happen again if it had been true? She underwent many turmoil. It was hard to believe that something that seemed to be so true can be so fake.
 ‘Hi..Where are you from?’
‘I am from India.’
 ‘I am also…’
Every day he came online. He was well-behaved; caring and concerned too. It was nice feeling. She didn’t want to flow but she couldn't ignore either. It was not easy to ignore the warmth which had healed her wounds, lessened the inflictions. She was gradually feeling those emotions which hurt the most. May be time was testing the integrity of her values and her love. She could see herself falling deep in the abyss...

© By Pranati Saikia

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Knowledge and Wisdom Walks Hand in Hand

Knowledge and Wisdom,
The two twins of Education,
Walk together hand in hand,
One is lame without the other,
Like virtues without compassion.

Knowledge is blind without wisdom,
It has vision in wisdom’s perception,
Though it learns and speaks eloquently,
Understands facts and figures accurately,
But it boasts like a foolish braggart.

Wisdom observes things minutely,
It listens and acts conscientiously,
It grows slowly but never wanes,
Yet it is dumb when Knowledge is dull,
Stands aloof and remained detached.

Trapped in human delusion,
Created mess over confusion,
Knowledge is chased and pursued,
Wisdom is forsaken and devalued,
Lost the life of morals and values.

© By Pranati Saikia 2/7/2015