Saturday, May 20, 2017

Silence -- the beauty of soul, the Atman

Silence has captured me with its beauty and grace. Long hours sitting in its company gives me depth that I have always searched and sought. Wordless communication just by being silent reveal many truths. Silence has really fascinated me deeply with its charm.

It's quiet tough to learn silence until one turns inside and resort to 'Dhyan' and 'Pranayam'. It is to be practiced. Silence doesn't mean ignorance; suppression; avoidance or overlooking the reality or the truth. Silence means to see things as they are and it's possible only when our minds are silent.

Once the mind becomes silent and calm, our perspective will be more sharpen and clear. We would be able to see the things more clearly without being carried away by unwanted emotions and judgments.

Silence is God as our yogis have said. In silence only, real communication happens as OSHO has said. Silence is the uncorrupt beauty. One must practice it by learning Yoga. It enriches life with real things. No wonder, Silence is the beauty of our soul, the Atman.



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